National Coverage: We have you covered in all 50 states
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Accredited & Certified, Supporting Thousands of Customers
Yrs Experience
In business for over 15 yrs, with a 95% customer retention, providing personalized service to over 20,000 businesses in all 50 States.
Long time trusted PBSA accredited background Screening Agency
Our software keeps your business FCRA compliant. And all of our agents are FCRA certified.
Background Screening
Intelifi connects directly to the source when providing background screening. Our platform enables accessibility to county courthouses, government sources, and international feeds. We stand by our technology, provide company resources, and industry expertise. Intelifi’s vendor reach and many years of expertise will give you up to date and accurate information as you make your company’s important decisions.

Criminal Records
Do you need to know about your applicant’s history with the law? It’s better to know about citations, misdemeanors and felony cases now rather than later. At Intelifi, we can provide county and state information nationwide as well as federal case histories to help you make informed decisions.

People Searches
With People Search reports, you can get a general picture of an applicant and see what steps to take next. Comprehensive people searches make it easy to validate your applicant’s information and narrow your results.

DMV Records
With Intelifi and our suite of information services, you can use Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) records to validate your applicant’s personal information so you can prevent fraud and make accurate decisions based on the useful and detailed results provided.

Intelifi’s Verification products give employers the ability to verify the information on a candidate’s resume, as well as their personal information. History of employment, education, personal references, and even vocational licenses can be verified to ensure a job offer is made to the most qualified candidate possible.

Credit Reporting
One of the many pieces of information you may choose to examine to determine the character and responsibility of an applicant is a credit report. It helps you learn about an applicant’s payment history, employment history, and offers other vital pieces of information you need to know before making a hiring decision.

Drug Testing
Our strong position in the industry allows us to provide you with complete and comprehensive screenings that includes our drug testing division. We offer nationwide drug testing lab services which affirms our ability to meet your needs on a national level. In-house drug testing kits are also offered to support ease and accessibility.